• Around the world in 80 books challenge

    I know I have more than enough challenges to complete but when I saw this one I could not resist! The idea is wonderful!
    As I did not manage to finish it in 2012 (which is not surprising), I chose another level, Circumnavigator, which means there is no deadline to read the 80 books.

    Around the world in 80 books challenge 2012
    Organised by: Diane @ Goodreads
    From October 1st 2011 to December 31st 2012 => NO DEADLINE
    The idea is to read 80 books from different countries around the world. There are eight different regions that must be visited but otherwise, you are free to chose which countries you want to see. To be valid, books must take place in the country. For detailed rules, follow the link.

    There are two different levels: I chose the easiest one, which is frequent flyer. (It means I can visit the countries in any order I want) I probably won't have time to read 80 books by the deadline but I'll do my best!

    SUMMARY: Regions visited: 5 / Countries visited: 27

    Region 1: North America
    1) USA: The pilot's wife,by Anita Shreve
    2) Canada: La tendresse des loups, de Stef Penney

    Region 2: The Caribbean

    Region 3: Latin America
    1) Peru: Bel canto,by Ann Patchett
    2) Guatemalaeru: Los sordos, de Rodrigo Rey Rosa

    Region 4: Europe
    1) France: L'homme aux cercles bleus, de Fred Vargas
    2) Norway: Le sixième homme, de Monica Kristensen
    3) Iceland: La cité des Jarres, d'Arnaldur Indridason
    4) England: Expiation, de Ian McEwan
    5) Switzerland: Belle du Seigneur, d'Albert Cohen
    6) Belgium: Surviving with wolves, by Misha Defonseca
    7) Italy: Through a glass, darkly, by Donna Leon
    8) Ireland: Irish Coffee, De Carol Higgins Clark 
    9) Germany: The book thief, by Markus Zusak
    10) Latvia:  Les chiens de Riga, d'Henning Mankell
    11) Ukraine: A short history of tractors in Ukrainian, by Marina Lewycka
    12) Sweden: Meurtriers sans visage, d'Henning Mankell
    13) Romania: Black Sea Twilight, by Domnica Radulescu
    14) Estonia: Purge, de Sofi Oksanen
    15) Spain: Toro! Toro!, de Michael Morpurgo
    16) Denmark: La librairie des ombres, de Mikkel Birkegaard
    17) Vatican City: Angels and demons, by Dan Brown
    18) Russia: Zoya, de Danielle Steel 
    19) Finland: L'armoire des robes oubliées, de Riikka Pulkkinen
    20) Lithuania: Between shades of gray, by Ruta Sepetys
    21) Hungary: The book of summers, by Emylia Hall  

    Region 5: Africa

    Region 6: the Middle East
    1) Afghanistan: Shadow,by Michael Morpurgo

    Region 7: Asia
    1) Japan: Stupeur et tremblements, d'Amélie Nothomb 

    Region 8: Oceania

  • Commentaires

    Lundi 11 Juin 2012 à 23:25
    @Cindy: merci pour le conseil! J'ai entendu qu'il était super ce livre. J'en ai déjà lu plusieurs sur le Rwanda depuis que j'y suis allée... comme ça je pourrai comparer. Bonnes révisions and good luck for tomorrow!
    Lundi 11 Juin 2012 à 15:01
    Si jamais pour la catégorie Afrique tu peux lire "Sous les étoiles du Rwanda" de Mathilde Fontanet et d'Odette Habiyakare. C'est une histoire vraie très poignante selon ma mère (je ne l'ai pas encore lu). Bon je te laisse, je vais continuer à étudier. Bonnes vacances!
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